About Our Counseling Services
VMS Family Counseling Services opened it’s therapeutic program in 2013, focusing then on providing support to foster and adopted children, as well as their families. Over the years, the experience that the team has to offer has increased leaps and bounds, allowing the team to provide service to individuals, couples, and families. It also allows the team to utilize a variety of strategies to support those who are not currently being successful or who are in need, those who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, or those who believe that they are currently struggling with mental health issues. The VMS Family Counseling Services therapeutic team wants to provide you with support today.
VMS Family Counseling Services
can help with the following issues:
and a variety of other issues; please feel free to contact us today to see if we can help you and your family with your particular issue or concern.
- inter-family conflicts
- depression
- anxiety
- trauma
- anger management issues
- adhd
- oppositional defiant disorder
- adoption and attachment issues
- feelings of isolation
- couples conflict
- separation anxieties
- unresolved childhood issues
- parenting concerns
- school based behavioral problems
- occupational and social problems
- interpersonal problems
VMS Family Counseling Services accepts the following insurances:
- Blue Shield of CA
- Some Blue Shield/ Blue Cross Plans
- CalViva
​- Fresno County Sheriffs Department EAP
- Curalinc
- Halcyon
- Kaiser
Cash Rates
VMS Family Counseling Services offers out of pocket cash rates by the following criteria:
Licensed Therapists:
​Individual Sessions:
Couples or Family Sessions:
Registered Associate Therapists:
(rate based on sliding scale)
Individual Sessions:
Couples or Family Sessions:
$100 - $140
$110 - $150
If you need additional information about what types of insurance we accept, or
pricing, please feel free to contact Ashley Harris, Office Manager at 559-537-4444.