Dr. Victoria Sanders, LMFT 52610, PhD is a therapist with more than 15 years experience working with children who have come from trauma, their families, as well as law enforcement and their families. Victoria is particularly passionate about working with fostered and adopted children and their families. Victoria is passionate about helping others, and supporting families in being successful, happy, and positive in their life. Victoria is also the CEO and Founder of VMS Family Counseling Services but continues to provide services to children and families because it is her heart, that is her passion and her love for providing treatment and support to others is too great for her to walk away from.
My Story
Dr. Vicki has always had a desire to help and support those who often have the smallest voice and who are often overlooked, particularly those children and their families who experienced trauma, particularly relational trauma. After working for a large organization, Dr. Vicki recognized that she wanted a smaller organization that could provide support not only to those children and families who came for services, but also support the staff who work for the organization, something that is very difficult with a larger organization.
Dr. Vicki opened VMS Family Counseling Services just as an individual therapist in 2013, and over the years there has been growth, with a variety of iterations and programs. Now, VMS Family Counseling Services has two licensed therapists, five associate therapists, three administrative staff, and a training program for Resource/Foster Parents that has three trainers and a director. Dr. Vicki enjoys giving large and small group trainings to a variety of groups and looks forward to more speaking opportunities in the near future!
There is a particular emphasis on training and focusing on the growth and development of the therapists who work with Dr. Vicki at VMS Family Counseling Services. Dr. Vicki believes in the power of knowledge, and believes that therapists should continue to be trained throughout their career as therapists, so that all are aware of the newest research and can also talk at length with clients about what they are doing in treatment and why they are doing it.